Sunday, February 2, 2014

Introducing ME!!!

Hi! This is my first blog post, so I figured I better introduce myself! My name is Shannon. I live in Wild Wonderful West Virginia with my hubby and youngest daughter  (I have three daughters and two and a half grandchildren!). There are also a couple critters here that call me Mama. :-) I am into arts and crafts, gardening, Bluegrass music, and the Law of Attraction!

I hope to share with you stories about mine and my family's lives, art that I am working on or want to try, recipes or cooking successes (or failures), and my thoughts on topics that come up!  So, you never know what you might find here.  I would like to participate in Linky Parties or Blog Hops from time to time, so I hope to meet and make some new friends by doing that!  A couple that I like are Wordless Wednesday and Friendship Friday (find links below)!  Since this is my first post, I don't have anything yet, but I've visited sites that do them, and have had many laughs, found cooking or craft ideas, and discovered some very charming people!

Groundhog Wedding Cake Topper
Groundhog Wedding Cake Topper (Photo credit: sofieskein)
Today just happens to be my 16th anniversary!  Thank you!  Thank you!  And yes, I do realize it's also Groundhog's Day.  We eloped on a whim and didn't think about it until it was too late.  LOL  Oh well, at least it is easy for my husband to remember!  ;-)

Please come back and check in, and hopefully I'll have something fun for you to read!  Bye for now!  Have a great day!

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Hey there! Thanks for visiting! Please leave me some love below! Cause I get lonely. Oh, and don't forget to tell me how pretty I am! ;-) Thanks!!! Have a wonderful day!